
Fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK: Virgin London Marathon 2020

17 March 2020

Scott Dunbar, Senior Build Manager at Crest Nicholson is taking part in the Virgin London Marathon 2020 to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK.

Scott’s reason to participate in the marathon is in memory of a friend who died from Bowel Cancer. Scott commented on his fundraising page:

Last year one of my good friends Michael aged 37, passed away after being diagnosed with Bowel Cancer less than a year before which was absolutely devastating, leaving behind his wife Hannah and his 3-year-old son Arthur.

Michael was a great bloke who lived life to the full, loved keeping fit and had a passion for running. On several occasions, he applied for the London Marathon but was never successful.

In his memory and to raise awareness and money for this great cause, I decided to apply for the London Marathon along with 4 other good friends and his wife Hannah.

Any help to achieve our combined team target of 15k, and words of encouragement when you see me would be greatly appreciated.

For more information and to donate visit Virgin Money London Marathon 2020.

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